ALP Schools specialise in providing emergency, short, medium and long term placements for learners.
ALP Schools admit learners who have been referred to them by local education authorities. The local authority funds the placement. These learners can be placed upon the school’s roll. Alternatively, we also accept referrals from local schools, college and partnerships providing that they are willing and able to fund the placement. These may remain on roll at another establishment but spend an agreed time being educated within our school.
ALP Schools does not admit learners who are privately funded.
Learners who are admitted to the school are referred for the following reasons:
- They have been permanently excluded from a school or are in danger of being excluded from school.
- They have one or more of the following learning difficulties: Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Tourette’s Syndrome, Pathological Demand Avoidance or another condition that leads to behavioural or/and social communication difficulties.
- They have an Education, Health and Care Plan.
View our Admissions Policy.