
Educational Offer


Teaching and learning within our school is differentiated to meet the ability of each learner. We also ensure that our learners engage in a curriculum that will enable them to progress back into suitable educational pathways. 

Our learners are offered bespoke courses to suit the individual’s needs. Our curriculum is based around a model of foundation learning which ensures that all of our students have an element of Functional Skills, vocational learning and personal and social development within their timetables. We ensure that our learners develop their curriculum in accordance to their key stage and level of ability. For example, Key Stage 3 learners will engage in schemes of work that keep them on track for achieving in key areas of the national curriculum. In Key Stage 4 they will focus on exam preparation and completing course work to meet the requirement of GCSE’s and in Post-16 we introduce a focus on college placements and higher level achievement in vocational options and preparation for working life. 

Functional Skills

These are essential skills needed for English, Maths and ICT which are vital for young people and adults to participate in life, learning and work. 

Functional Skills feature in most educational and training choices. They are an essential, compulsory element in two main qualification routes for young people from 11 to 25, in apprenticeships and in the foundation learning tier, as well as being stand-alone qualifications in their own right at Entry Level (1-3), Level 1 and Level 2.

The development of Functional Skills is seen by the Government as essential to address employers’ concerns that young people and adults are not achieving a firm enough grounding in the basic education and life skills. At Pierview Academy we recognise that Functional Skills strengthen and bring consistency to learning routes.

The school is also registered to deliver IGCSE’s and will progress students to this level when they are ready.

Vocational Learning

Vocational learning is used to equip learners on their journey towards a particular trade or craft. Within the school environment we are able to deliver a variety of art and crafts, customer service skills, sport and leisure activities, cookery, enterprise and occupational studies. These can be complimented with a range of Asdan short courses such as Hair and Beauty, Animal Care, Expressive Arts and Foodwise. 

In addition, for our Post-16 learners, we have developed working relationships with local alternative education providers and colleges who deliver a wide variety of practical learning, thus enabling us to be flexible to the desires of the individual. This includes, but is not limited to, outdoor pursuits, climbing, construction, equine studies, fishing, animal care, mechanics, traditional crafts, beauty therapy, IT maintenance, woodwork and more. 

Pierview Academy is an approved OCR, NCFE and Asdan centre which allows us to ensure that our learners work towards accredited qualifications in their vocational choices.

Personal and Social Development 

Our focus on Personal and Social Development (PSD) means we come up with imaginative ways of supporting young people in:

  • Becoming confident individuals who are physically, emotionally and socially healthy
  • Being responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and embrace change
  • Managing risk together with their own wellbeing as well as introducing them to new activities and personal challenges.

Our Personal and Social Development can lead to young people receiving recognised accreditation in both pre and Post-16:

  • Towards Independence – which provides a framework of activities through which personal, social and independence skills can be developed and accredited for those with severe learning difficulties (SLD) and profound multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
  • Short Courses – provide a range of flexible programmes to accredit young people’s activities when aged between 13 and 19.
  • Bronze/Silver/Gold Personal Development Programmes – provide challenges over 13 modules of topics such as Sport, The Community, Technology and Healthy Living. 
  • Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) – is ASDAN’s flagship qualification and offers an imaginative way of accrediting young people’s curriculum enrichment and extra-curricular activities, allowing our school to certificate a wide range of personal qualities, skills and achievements, as well as introducing new activities and challenges.
  • PSHE – to allow our learners to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.  
  • Well-being – Covering subject areas crucial for our older learners, including Substance Misuse Awareness, Alcohol Awareness, Sexual Health, Personal Safety and more. 
  • PSD – providing access to units in developing self, encouraging problem solving and working towards employability and independent living skills. 

Our school has identified a structure that caters for the diverse range of needs of our learners. We are proud to have specialist staff who complement our team of Teachers and Learning Support Assistants. Our specialist team includes a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, School Counsellor, Reading Doctor and Music Teacher.
